
A Lenten study on the global struggle to end violence against women

普世教協(World Council of Churches, WCC)對於婦女議題向來有一定程度的關注。
後來又推動了簡稱DOV的「克服暴力的十年」(Decade to Overcome Violence)。

名為:From Cries of Anguish to Stories of Hope

A Lenten study on the global struggle to end violence against women

•How can an illiterate Dalit woman in India find the courage to say ‘Now we are fearless’?

•How can a young Colombian woman raised in a shanty town find joy and health?

•How can a South African man find the courage to repent of his violence against his wife?

This study is a chance to

•Follow the stories, week by week, and learn how women are overcoming the violence they face.

•Use Lent as a time to remember Jesus’ time in the wilderness, his passion and his death.

•Think about ways in which Christians can make the good news of the Resurrection a reality in people’s lives.

•Join the struggle to end violence and bring justice and peace to those who suffer.

Please join us on this Lenten journey.


From Cries of Anguish to Stories of Hope

